Lie-fee or Deal, Life For De'il? Liffey Whore-I.D. Eel: Owe'd de Choices by katie
Simple logic dictates that whatever you claim yourself to be, must be who you are and what you/your cultural petri dish defines you as. Granted, every culture has its pluses/pulses/pull says and every culture has its mine/us's and my gnu says to which every human makes and stakes their claim to be. Take Ireland for example. Two ideas, one of its people and culture and one of the idea that it's a "country" in the G.E.-Og-Ra-fickle scents so you can smell both tracks. As a cultural petri dish, I'm what humanity would deem "Irish" in the people sense but would remain divided 4 ways on what that really means but they only see 3 options based on their programmed and deliberately made to be limited scope of reality.
Humanity sees the concept of the Irish people, as a whole/ass, a hole/donkey in a particular well with an overall general opinion and thankfully, worldwide, the Irish are deemed neutral, fun and decent people with the recent European Football tournament and the Irish fans, we're thought of as not a bad lot of people, at least not the ones that will bomb your country, we kept our issues on our own shores kind of thing. So you know we're not pussies either when we're pushed too far just trying to quietly sit and enjoy a pint with friends and family and talk about our day, play a few songs and simply get on with life. Do that, and well, you know Katie's Irish at the couer.
Humanity also sees a divided Ireland with the REPUBLIC OF IRELAND and NORTHERN IRELAND where the N.I. part is subjected to U.K. direct rule. All three are subject to CROWN rule regardless under the same CITY OF LONDON, LONDON country that rules all countries on the planet. They own the legal system humanity subjects themselves to so you're subject to their rules and legal authority by your choice, period. Simple logic again. You claim I.D. you must BE I.D. in that you claim the I.D.yaw (identity direction path) you must fall/owe the I.D.yaw's or be shot as a traitor. Based on what what legal preface? Based on the contract dealt to a baby's parents that weren't lawyers to fully x-plain the ram eye, fuck kate shuns of that deal with the de'il? O'er my DEED body I went and burned their baby contract in my mind, heart and soul, simple as that and with that infamous Irish resolve and song no less.
Earlier I had written four but have only explained three parts of Ireland as humanity sees it. No question, I'm as Irish as they come, albeit been away from home for a long time but I never forgot my heart and my routes. So I kept the best part of being Irish because that's who I really am in a way that only the Irish, standing on a seaweed strewn beach in early fall as the winds pick up and with a pint in hand, you wonder what life is all about. Something about isolated desolation that sets the river's couer-se and one surrenders to the will of truth. Being Irish isn't being from the R.O.I. or U.K- N.I., it's about the Roi-key-nee Rock knee and what rock you stand on, what king you serve, what nee/child you are and what knee you bow because when this bow breaks, the string snap alone from this arrow will only be heard long after it's already hit its mark. Truth travels faster than light because truth is life itself, you just have to learn to slow down enough to see that.
Now, because I don't claim to be from R.O.I. or U.K.-N.I. how am I any less Irish by literal definitions? I arrived there in this meat suit, I grew up there, twice with an overseas journey in between for a number of years in a game of Atlantic Ocean ping pong. I just don't bow to another man's definition of what Irish is because the Irish were Irish long before any assholes showed up with their spears, swords, chariots and guns and before they could learn to read and write sigils and spells. Then the Drew-I.D.s of Babylon (St. Pats) showed up and the planet went to hell, literally and history just ain't what you think it to be as rammed down your throats by the victor francisteins Jews-use-I.D. priests of those same Drew-I.D.s of old.
I went independent of the entire world but never forgot who I am nor who I was and continue to be as I am because logic and heart united say so. You know the good points of your culture and the bad points so for me, the moment I saw those claiming to be Irish doing evil things within and without of my family and friends was the same moment I left the fake Irish wannabe's because they were tainted carbon copies of themselves but their picks hell deterioration was clearly evident. I have this uncanny knack for seeing what isn't there but is there by seeing what isn't there that should be there and reverse the photo negative. Humans don't see humans. They see flags, colours of people, religions of people, customs of people etc. and because of that, they will always see humanity divided and divine dead amongst themselves, their own countries and their own families as a result. Look around you at the world and it is exactly that; divided and fallen.
Regardless of where I stand, where I sleep or where I travel, the rock of truth travels with this Irish queen, forever Irish eyes smiling and Irish heart singing out the ancient songs of truth. The song you need to know has lyrics so easy to follow even a baby could learn to sing along and it goes like this. It's illegal to use a legal name and has the harps of heaven backing you in silence but the demons of this world hear that song loud and clear even if you have to keep saying it. These cops, judges, lawyers, priests etc. are as thick as two short planks when I.D. comes to their puppy trained programs of repeater rifr-fool but don't worry....that song puts a muzzle on the dogs as long as you put a muzzle on yours first that comes with every cultural program on the planet. Flag wavers and you're one of them or you ain't. I have a white flag, captured from the top of the mountain that brought Babylon to its nee's and a few brave souls to their feet.
In the smallness of the largeness of our choir, I'm still the only Irish freeborn in the room. I know a few that stood for being Irish and not a Satanic legal cult doll version of I.D. either but still the only Irish in the original group. True Scottish warriors, American Patriots, Irish/English Cavaliers, Flying Dutchmen are in that group. They never forgot the best parts of their cultures nor their own peaceful and reasoning minds to find the answer to man's woes and how man is controlled by a very few very evil people/entities I don't classify as human in that inhuman is more suitable. As a team we stood as one regardless of the shit you lost I.D'emons in delusion of legal illusions threw or throw at us there is one little problem with all your emotional rhetoric and it's this proven legal fact that check mated Satan's legal cult and like chess, it only removes the chess pieces you engage with and that truth is: it's illegal to use a legal name in long hand or I.D.s illegal in shorthand that says the exact same thing....faster but you have to show and tell the spell for wee human minds to "click" on.
It's a kinder garden where we are so we expect the same kinder children in our yard and lay waste to any demons that think we're pussies. Remember, it was a trying to stay in the closet, run away and hide tranny that handed the judge his ass that day on Sept 1st 2010, the beg inn ink of WWIII and the war was already won. I knew that then, I just had to spend a lot of time explaining that case on air and in essays for years as I was getting all the facts together running for my life with everyone I ever knew in my life leaving me for dead, literally. I'm Irish and tougher than that and when you claim to be Irish, never mind that you're born there, you have the heart of heaven to live up to and all I'm doing is doing my best to live up to humanity's idea of the Irish in all regards......I'm Irish, not IRISH, STATE so you can either live up to the best ideals of the culture and people you claim to be and leave the dead STATE behind or keep going along with the cultural liars in your brand of human that's giving you the evil name by association, simple as that.
Hang around bank robbers (lawyers, criminals etc) long enough and you'll be assumed guilty by habit (what you wear/do) and ass sewn, she ate son and con Sumerian'd the same weigh: guilt-teen, never grew up and lost your head of reason...the physical test comes after the life or deal, lie for deal game where the lie-fee whore deal comes due and you'll have to pay your jews for your misdeeds. Your de'il with the de'il is a jew-bull-lie deal that is about to mature as bonds always do after a KRT- tain thyme lye'm I.D. and the show's about to begin/end......forever is a long de'il with the de'il so think that o'er but do it yourself, the passed o'ers of this world are still doing the same jobs they did in Babylon, they just dress nicer than they used ewe. They like to play the good cop/bad cop game but then good or evil, a cop is a criminal aiding and abetting children into death camps so what do you expect from your author-itties...yeah a big lien, song and dunce story but ewe buy I.D. every thyme, this time however, I.D.'hell be foe river for you fraidy's scats. You can find the empress of Ireland on the Tigress Kat river...the one you're on right now, kate
p.s. it's illegal to use a legal name...stop being a lying, cheating, stealing, killing, adulterous, merciless etc. asshole criminal...ok? .... that pint