The Reboot; A Supposition by KK

Where to start with this human nightmare paradigm of clowns, fools, killers and cowards?.......We don’t write very often considering we’ve already written far more than the damned human race deserves, alas, there is always the dwindling hope that one more of the forever lost finally clicks before the last flicker of life and humanity flames out. So lost are they in their lusts of numbers and blood feuds, their religions of justifier gods commanding them to kill and conquer in their doomed king of the hill and hell mentalities. Humans claim to be reasonable, rational and dare we say “civilised”………..Not even close. They stand in their collective pews, at their collective pulpits of babble’on building towers of bullshit much akin to dung beetle, rolling their balls of shit to and fro in mindless circles of various rages, whatever satiates their insanity. Look around humans. You all must be so proud of the state of this world, poisoned beyond repair at all levels expecting life to fulfill the daily bloodlusts of slaughtered life merely to feed the destructive beat called “human”.

Now you all stand at the brink of your ultimate creation that is your own extinction. This is not merely rhetoric; this is the truth. What some may call the “red pill” only the very few can swallow and with true faith in something better, rise over the din of mindless, psychotic hypocrisy that is and always has been the human biocomputer fleshbot. Alas, the choices you all could have made but didn’t rush swiftly to the edge of eternal regrets. You elect fools and/or allow fools to be elected to own your voices and, thus, your souls going in endless, falling circles of chaos with false hopes of things getting better, comfortable in your own lies and complacent inactions………Truth is, always has been; if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself and therein lies the rub where humans can’t differentiate right from wrong. Day after day we are inundated with the full and fool array of human nonsense all staring at whatever dazzles their fancy to make them feel somehow intellectually dazzled, lost in useless mysteries that are al nothing more than metaphor of a bigger game humans are blind to, driven by whatever lusts, typically money and fame, that stroke their ego orgasms.

This supposition, for most or anyone that reads it, is just that; a supposition, one seed of thought that will only prosper in fruitful soils versus the vast wasteland deserts that all levels of infertile and infantile “humanity” are. Perhaps we’re looking for you, the one that has finally seen the hell this world truly is and that still has a small patch of lifes’ soil remaining that can nurture a seed of something better, only you will know. Otherwise, feel free to continue in whatever delusions tickle your fancy, such is free will choice and the bane of judgement that comes with it; it is what it is, not what one wants or wishes it could be, that requires a higher standard that humanity will never achieve. People even confuse the word “supposition” with “assumption” where those two concepts are diametrically opposed. A supposition is merely an observation of hypothesis, assumption is a presumed finality so how can people understand anything from neutrality where vengeance is always the flavour of the day? How can anyone solve any problem/s where no problems are seen in the very chaos of human evil called normal, every day activity where futility is the order established?

Perhaps, just being a reason to pause and ponder just a little will suffice as the purpose for any and everything we write, tis enough for us, at least we’re making the effort and ones’ ow mirror becomes the rightful judge for others as it does for us. In all of “man’s” brilliance claimed, the glaring obvious, missed. So caught up in all their futile dreams and lusts, they walked blindly onto the edge of the Ba’al planet Bell plant, and like the programmed ants they are, they march gleefully to their trenches of death pausing briefly only to dare ask why. Instead of asking that question first, they always ask too late as the hood is placed over their collective heads while the hangman does a brisk trade. We’ve already written more than a library of books and words on this and even showed them all the simple answer that only the few could and did grasp with a true faith in knowledge, not beliefs. Beliefs are the trade of fools where lies are bought and sold in all arenas of human endeavour, all succumbing inevitably to nothing more than a carved granite stone if they’re “lucky” or spread, lost forever, across the killing fields to fertilize the crops to feed the next generation of cannibals of the CAIN’ABEL cults of death. Humans claim to worship this god or that deity and all the while missing the true “god” they worship. The religion of all religions and programmed belief systems to keep the Eloi controlled and the Warlocks fed with slaves and blood.

All religions worship and serve this “god” of all evils. It’s so obvious, they can’t see it nor do they want to because in doing so, they, you, become the awakened fool where everything you’ve done to date suddenly and completely becomes visible as the useless folly of ignorant evil it is. Every facet of your existence is controlled by it, voluntarily, by you, until, like the few, it doesn’t. Only past that veil will anyone even begin to see the true majesty of creation. Life is a gift, not a “right”. Life is a privilege earned, not taken fr granted; a walk through a graveyard will illustrate that. It’s no different than handing a five years old child a bucket of naphtha and a box of matches to see what happens if the child figures out the properties of both without the proper supervision of consequences. Humans are the same in terms of life and the things they choose to do with said gift, a test, if you will. The vast majority will chase pipe dreams and wish’fool thinking and will sell themselves to the highest bidder thinking they’ve “won the game” of life. No, that’s the game of death, call it campaign day victory vote for the “d’evil” as their ruling master.

By now you may be wondering what possibly could be this religion of religions where we’ve only skimmed the periphery concepts. It’s quite simple, no different than children making up rules when they’re playing house mimicking the apparent “grown ups” they rely on to guide them and teach them the ropes of life while those self same “grown ups” are already swinging at the gallows. Always in such a hurry these humans and no wonder since the typical lifespan is nought but a far in the wind of eternity; call it your one and only shot since second chances have already been granted and wasted, yet again. The religion of religions, the religion that all religions, regardless of deity form claim is called “legal”, the very defiance of all LAW that is true, righteous and good, the LAW of life itself, in short, the golden rule aka the gold’10 rule. How quickly humans seek all the things and desires they lust, expecting full respect in all regards from everyone around them while they play the eternal victims of their own undoing and never reach out beyond expecting a reward in return. Life is a team sport yet humans rage individually against each other, jockeying for the advantageous position their emotions demand.

Until humans can break free of their false belief systems making false claims of self-righteousness and being worthy of being saved, they will never be worthy, damned by their own ivory tower egos playing like the “mangod” wannabes they are. That can only begin with the realisation of the source of all evils in this world that has all complicit humans trapped in the matrix of the damned called legal. Otherwise they will continue allowing and supporting all evil forces in this world to rule their every move, something they are slowly waking up to. While some spew fears of the coming of “the mark of the beast” will be this or that, they failed to realise that they’re already marked of the beast called legal. A ruse so perfect since we and you were born, and conditioned by programming centers called schools for a lifetime to accept “legal” as “law” when two concepts cannot be more opposed, it’s not difficult to understand the “how”. What is more difficult to fathom is how to tolerate the “why” once one knows truly right from truly wrong and still be content to ignore the how and why to justify ones’ beliefs knowingly and party on as usual simply to satiate ones lusts, ego and all manner of human psychopathy.

Yet here we are again, writing in plain English, plain logic and plain truth telling humanity the same things we’ve said all along. The fact is, you will never know the truth and eternity until you really want to and ante’ up in the real game of life. Be content in knowing there is nothing I can do or say or even write that can do that for anyone. All we can do is point the way to the narrowest of paths that we and the few have already walked to find the last exit out of hell. The choice is yours and there are more than a few angels walking about that can help anyone help themselves. Remember, a handshake, like any rescue into a lifeboat involves both hands reaching 50/50 in both directions, nothing more, and certainly, nothing less. It’s what you’d expect after all. What the world wasn’t expecting was us, yet somehow, we and you know you were, we’re just not what humans expected in their free ride through hell with no consequences lusts and cravings madness. To be continued……………………………….KK